ULTRASTUDIO è lieta di presentare il suo primo progetto 2018 “No Where – Now Here”, group show sviluppata attraverso la forma del video – arte e testo poetico.

Vitaly Bezpalov, Antoine Donzeaud, Hayden Dunham, Josh Evan, Paul Pascal, Deirdre Sargent, Emir Esh Šehanović sono stati invitati ad approfondire il tema del CREEPY PASTA come nuova frontiera di racconto sperimentale in bilico tra cronaca disturbante e leggenda metropolitana.

Il lavoro si muove su due ambienti girati in una camera di Motel a Los Angeles e nel deserto di Las Vegas dove le opere insistono nella loro ubiquità tra uno spazio claustrofobico che diventa gabbia del pensiero e un altro dilatato in cui gli orizzonti e le prospettive si perdono.

Il progetto si configura come primo esperimento del programma annuale NOWHERE: THE STATE OF UNREALITIES e sequel di ENDLESS BACK UP

ULTRASTUDIO annuncia la nascita della seconda sede a Los Angeles con l’intento di creare un ponte ideale tra Europa e Stati Uniti diventando terra di confine in cui la ricerca di artisti europei si fonde e dialoga con quella di artisti d’oltreoceano.


ULTRASTUDIO is pleased to present its first 2018 project “No Where – Now Here”, a group show developed through the form of art-video and poetic text.

Vitaly Bezpalov, Antoine Donzeaud, Hayden Dunham, Josh Evan, Paul Pascal, Deirdre Sargent and Emir Esh Šehanović were invited to deepen the theme of CREEPY PASTA as a new frontier of experimental story poised between disturbing news and urban legend.

The work moves on two places shot in a motel room in Los Angeles and in the Las Vegas desert where the works insist on their ubiquity between a claustrophobic space that becomes a cage of thought and another dilated in which horizons and perspectives are lost.

The project is configured as the first experiment of the annual program NOWHERE: THE STATE OF UNREALITIES and sequel of ENDLESS BACK UP

ULTRASTUDIO announces the birth of the second space in Los Angeles with the aim of creating an ideal bridge between Europe and the United States becoming a borderland where the search for European artists merges and dialogues with that of overseas artists.

Hayden Dunham / Vitaly Bezpalov / Paul Pascal

Emir Sehanovic
Jazafi, 2017
digital print on fabric, polyurethane foam.

Hayden Dunham
HE: on believing :SK, 2018

Antoine Donzeaud
Mix Butterfly Pelican de Feu, 2016
HD video, no sound 3’11’’ looped


Vitaly Bezpalov, Death Is Not Final (NN_14), 2018

insulating tape, lacquer, acrylic, mixed media

Vitaly Bezpalov, Human’s Pod (Always CC Pre-Seed) II, 2018 digital 3d

Deirdre Sargent
Tigers in Toyland, 2018

Paul Pascal
Baby Stack” , 2017
Cast rapid set cement, wire, cigarette packs, glitter nail polish, tissue paper
49.53 × 22.86 × 22.86 cm

Joshua Evan
Shielding Cloak #1, 2018
RFID blocking shielded fabric with grounding chord, polyester.

Lost Revelations

I travelled all night

Following a Coyote on the Highway

A Chinese head down in a corner laughed

Am I dreaming?


It’s there! It’s there!

There is the Snake.

Writings and graffiti and strange drawings

But once again night falls

And I’m drinking a Diet Coke

And I’m no longer thirsty

Not hungry anymore.

But far more important

I made a complete tour in this land of none

and at the end

I saw another me

of a second younger

So I resumed running

another round

another me

one second less

and again

one second less

the other me tended to the et cetera

it was me

and I was the et cetera

and distance between us was created.

We both knew


not to be made for the present

We were destined for oblivion

We were destined to drift.